Rain has kept Jason from completing the Grateful Red sea wall sign in one go. It's done for now, and we are waiting for Ken and the rest of the crew to arrive. All the food is aboard, 8 cases of beer, half a case of wine, 200 meals...literally. You do the math...six people three meals a day times 10 or even 12-14 days.
I bagged eggs today. The seal-a-meal and I are feuding. I couldn't even get 2 eggs in a bag with cheese, green peppers, and ham. The vacuum sucked the liquid into the sealer unit and it wouldn't seal. I ended up zip locking servings for 3 and then sealing them in another bag. There's going to be no drop-in-a-salt-water-bath eggs. They are all going to be scrambled in a pan. Now my last freak-a-zoid worry is that all the food I've bagged and frozen won't EVEN fit in the refer.
Well, we got a blog from Ken. He's in the air and on the way. Freya's got crew and she's shopped and provisioned. The Les Sables-Horta 2009 racers are coming in, the harbor is filling up with party tents. Let us out!!! I think 8 days in Horta is plenty. Let's get going!
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